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Blog of Dentistry in a Correctional Facility

Dentistry in the Big House

Lew Powell

Not the prison where I work

Not the prison where I work



I have been seeing inmates for their dental care for about 10 months. It is an interesting gig, nothing at all like dentistry in the world (that's on the outside to the uninitiated). 

Patients in the MDOC come in several different categories:

  1. Green and white striped pants: these are the inmates who are on the best behavior and close to discharge (two years or less to go). They have stayed out of trouble at the correctional facility, and are eligible for Trusty status (there are no Trusty Guards in the MDOC. They were replaced by corrections officers in 1972 prison reform). They are allowed to intermingle with the next category below them.
  2. Black and white striped pants: these inmates are similar to the green and whites, but are not close to their release date, if they have a release date at all. Many are lifers, but have been on good behavior.
  3. Red and white striped pants: these inmates are separated from the rest of the population. They can have no contact with inmates other than their fellow red and whites. There status might be a result of behavior issues, or other circumstances.
  4. Jumpsuits (orange, yellow): This category usually shows up in manacles. They also have no contact with the general population.

It is important to remember that these persons are entitled to being treated with dignity. They are human beings who managed to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, while experiencing a significant error in judgement. They have already been judged, the healthcare team is there to help them, not judge or punish them. All are entitled to respect as humans, but some do their best to make that difficult. Most are grateful for the dental care they receive, but they all seem to want more. Corrections dentistry provides basics only; fillings, extractions, partials, dentures, and cleanings. Emergencies and acute pain take priority, restorative is next. Unfortunately, cleanings and preventive services are the bottom of the triage list. Cosmetic work, crown and bridge, dental implants, and most root canals are not going to be done in the slammer.

More to come.