Mississippi, you're on my mind
Lew Powell
It's been a while since I posted anything on this site. Life has been good in Utah, and I have been devoting much of my time to getting our students ready to start a new school year. Our first class will be entering their senior year, and Roseman will graduate it's first ever class of DMDs. Utah will have it's first ever class of dentists, and I am glad to have been a part of it.
But I'm tired of dry air. 13% humidity sounds great to most people in the southeast where humidity in the 90% range is not uncommon, but it is rough on the eyes, rough on the sinuses, and plays hell with skin. My skin could suck up a bottle of lotion a week and still flake. Laura says that be that as it may, there is never a bad hair day out here.
The mountains are beautiful, the national parks are among the most awe inspiring in the country, but I want to see green rolling hills, and the gulf every now and then. I am tired of brown.
I want to be where I don't have to be concerned about icing 75% of the year when I fly. I want to take off close to sea level, not start out at 4,500 feet. I want to be able to fly east or west without having to use supplemental oxygen just to clear the mountains.
I miss people talking slowly and with an accent that seems like home. I miss seeing people of more than one color. I miss food that has seasoning, I miss fresh seafood, and I miss Memphis barbeque. I miss going to college baseball and football games in the south...it's been a long time since I've been to a Southern Miss or Ole Miss game. That has to change.
Above all, I miss being able to come home to Laura every night. The real estate market made selling our house next to impossible, unless we wanted to give a lot of money to strangers. That has been a blessing, because I have a home to go to....it's just 1,700 miles away from here, and I need to be there rather than here.
I want to put my gills to use and breathe water in the air. I want to step outside in the summer and sweat. I want to hang the snow shovel up in the garage and never get it down. I want to be home in Mississippi with my sweet wife Laura.
This might make you think I don't like it in Utah, and that's just not true...I just like Mississippi a whole lot more. So I am looking for a practice to buy in north Mississippi and I will be leaving dental education in the next few months. I love teaching, but I love taking care of my patients too, and I love being home.
Home is where I am going to be. Jesse Winchester wrote and recorded a song that says it all for me...Mississippi you're on my mind.
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