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Fondi Ct
South Jordan, UT, 84095
United States

​Mooney airplanes, hiking the Smokies and Rockies, and other stuff.


Lew Powell's general blog

Utah Just Got a Little Prettier

Lew Powell

Utah is a beautiful state.  The grandeur of the Wasatch Front of the Rocky Mountains, the serenity of the big lakes in Salt Lake and Provo, the overwhelming scale of the National and State Parks, the world class ski areas, all combine to make Utah one of the most beautiful states in the nation.  But Saturday, Utah got a little prettier.  Saturday, my fantastic wife and best friend Laura arrived for a three week stay.  ​

Laura with a 1929 Ford TriMotor in September, 2010.​

Laura with a 1929 Ford TriMotor in September, 2010.​