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Fondi Ct
South Jordan, UT, 84095
United States

​Mooney airplanes, hiking the Smokies and Rockies, and other stuff.

It's Cold Outside....


Lew Powell's general blog

It's Cold Outside....

Lew Powell

OK.  I know it gets cold in the intermountain west, but even the locals say it is colder this winter than usual.  Much colder.  Last winter I rarely had to wear more than a windbreaker, and only got out the winter coat when the temperatures dropped into the teens.  This winter I have been really happy when the temperature warms up to the high teen or low twenties.  That's really cold for a guy who has spent most of hes 63 years in Mississippi!

The good thing is that we have had snow on the ground for about 5 weeks, so when spring finally comes the water levels in the rivers, streams, and lakes should be up well above what we saw last year.  Maybe less drought this summer.

I think I'll go put on a coat and some gloves.
